Longshore Resources Ltd. announces changes to Executive team and Board of Directors.

Press Release – October 1, 2024
Longshore Resources Ltd. announces changes to Executive team and Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Longshore Resources Ltd. (“Longshore” or “the Company”) today announces the following changes to the Company’s Board and Executive team.
Byron Nodwell will move from his position as President and CEO of the Company to Executive Director effective October 1, 2024, and Tyson Huska, currently COO and Chief of Corporate Development, will be appointed as President and CEO and a director of the Company.
Matt Esposito will step down from his position as CFO of the Company effective December 1, 2024, and Damon Lowenberger, currently the Company’s Controller, will be appointed to the position of VP Finance.
Nathan Humphrey, currently the Director of Development is promoted to the position of VP Development and Subsurface.
Dave Erickson and Chris Lamb will step down from their positions as VP Operations and VP Land respectively.
Duane Schellenberg of ARC Financial and current Chair of the Board will step down. Chris Seasons, currently a director of the Company will assume the role of Chair.
Colin Bergman of ARC Financial will join the Board of Longshore.
The Board is pleased to announce that Byron Nodwell will facilitate this transition by continuing to serve on the Board, first as Executive Director until January 1, 2025 and subsequently as a director.
“The Company undertook a careful assessment of its needs after our major transaction in June of this year. The review led to the changes we are announcing today,” said Longshore’s incoming Board chair Chris Seasons. “A succession of this magnitude must be handled carefully, and we are pleased with our progress and have every confidence in the newly formed executive team.”
Tyson Huska joined Longshore in 2015 as VP, Engineering and has been the Company’s COO since 2020. He successfully led Longshore’s initial acquisition in 2016 and subsequent growth both through the drill bit and via strategic acquisitions and divestitures. Prior to joining Longshore Mr. Huska held executive and technical positions at Corex Resources, Capitol Energy, and EnCana. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Alberta and is a member of APEGA and APEGS.
Byron Nodwell founded Longshore in 2015. He successfully led the initial and subsequent growth of the business through a private financing with ARC Financial and acquisitions of infrastructure and lands in the emerging Lower Charlie Lake fairway. He is a passionate advocate of Canadian oil and gas and has been a governor of both EPAC and CAPP. The Board of Longshore would like to recognize and extend its appreciation to Byron for his leadership over the past 9 years.
Mr. Nodwell said “I am very pleased with the transition of the business to its new objectives. Longshore’s heavy oil business is incredibly profitable, and the incoming executive team are an excellent group of professionals who have my total trust to execute the Boards vision and strategy for the ongoing company.”
Nathan Humphrey is a Professional Geologist with over 20 years of industry experience. Prior to Longshore, Mr. Humphrey was the VP of Exploration at Steelhead Petroleum prior to its amalgamation into Longshore Resources the summer of 2020. He has held several different roles and responsibilities across the Longshore asset base, most recently as the Director of Development. Mr. Humphrey has also held various senior roles at Apache Corp., Encana, and ConocoPhillips and holds a Bachelor of Science, Specialization in Geology from the University of Alberta. He is a practicing professional member of both APEGA and APEGS.
Damon Lowenberger is a Chartered Professional Accountant and has acted as the Company’s Controller since he joined in 2019, leading the Company’s finance department through significant growth, mergers and acquisitions. Prior to Longshore, Mr. Lowenberger held management positions in the junior oil and gas industry for nearly 15 years after originally obtaining his Chartered Accountant designation at Collins Barrow Calgary LLP. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan.
About Longshore Resources Ltd.: Headquartered in Calgary, Longshore Resources is a privately held oil and gas exploration and production company. Longshore operates a Mannville oil asset suite with a deep, highly economic, drilling inventory. The Company’s sustainability is underpinned by a focused, high-margin production base. Longshore maintains a strong partnership with ARC Financial Corp., Canada’s largest energy-focused private equity manager. Longshore is devoted to the efficient and effective production of Canadian oil and gas. www.longshore.ca